Tuesday 18 June 2024



"Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at anytime and be yourself."
-Hermann Hesse

Tuesday 7 May 2024

Spring Gifts

Spring unfolds like a masterpiece painted by nature herself.  The air is filled with the sweet melody of birdsong, a symphony celebrating the return of warmth.  Fields become alive with wildflowers, their petals dancing in the gentle breeze.  

Spring is a greeting whispered by the breeze, carrying hope on delicate wings.

Wednesday 26 July 2023

Woman Wearing A Bonnet

In the enchanting haze of a sun-kissed summer afternoon, I found myself captivated by the spell of creativity, ready to paint a watercolor portrait that transcended time.  The paper lay before me like a blank paper of destiny and my brushes trembled with anticipation.  With every stroke I sought to bring to life a woman from the 1800s, one who wore a bonnet that whispered echoes of bygone elegance. As the colors bloomed and merged on the paper, the woman emerged from the pages of history.  Her gaze seemed to penetrate the boundaries of time, bridging the gap between centuries and connecting her world with mine.

"I have always loved the desert.  One sits down on a desert sand dune, sees nothing, hears nothing.  Yet through the silence something throbs, and gleams, ..."
-Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Thursday 4 May 2023

Ocean Stories


"In spite of language, in spite of intelligence and intuition and sympathy, one can never really communicate anything to anybody.  The essential substance of every thought and feeling remains incommunicable, locked up in the impenetrable strong-room of the individual soul and body.  Our life is a sentence of perpetual solitary confinement." 
-Aldous Huxley

Thursday 13 October 2022



"I remembered that the real world was wide, and that a varied field of hopes and fears, sensations and excitements, awaited those who had the courage to go forth into its expanse, to seek real knowledge amidst its perils."
-Anne Bronte