Friday, 22 February 2019

An Exchange

"Work in the invisible world at least as hard as you do in the visible."

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Contact Information

My beautiful friends, I hope this message finds you well.  I believe there will be some changes due to Google+ shutdown.  Well, you know where to find me!  My YouTube channel and this blog will be here.  Also, my email is

Have a lovely day! :)

Saturday, 2 February 2019

Strathmore Watercolor Journal - 400 Series

If you are an artist, you know how expensive art supplies can be.  We try to save money when possible.  However, using inferior quality products may lead to disappointing results.  Finding a good product that is also "budget friendly" is not always an easy task.

In this video I share with you my experience of painting and drawing on Strathmore 140 lb watercolor paper.

This journal (affiliate link) has 48 pages (counting both sides).  It measures 8.5 by 5.5 inches.  The slightly textured cold press white surface allows for even washes, as well as fine detail.  This allows me to work not only in watercolors, but use pens and graphite pencils as well.  The paper does not buckle and therefore I can use both sides of the paper.  The binding is strong.  The colors remain vibrant and lifting pigment is possible also.
Below is a mini (5.5 cm by 6 cm) watercolor value study done using burnt sienna.  My method involves mostly wet on dry painting with a minimal amount of wet on wet applications.   I was able to add enough detail to portray my subject as seen below.

I hope this information has been helpful.  Also, thank you for shopping through my affiliate link.