Wednesday 20 March 2019

Happy Spring!

Wishing you all a wonderful spring season full of love and happiness! :)

Thursday 14 March 2019

A Challenge ... in so many ways!

To test my analytical and interpretation skills, I chose a beautiful oil painting from 1879 by Sir Frederic Leighton (an English painter and sculptor) for my study.

Since I worked with graphite pencils, examining the nuances in value became the priority.  To make it my own, I changed the facial features just slightly. I think it turned out ok.
I now have a better understanding of why Sir Leighton is Sir Leighton. :)

Realizing what could be achieved and what needed improvement, I called this one done.

Anticipating the arrival of spring, I will now take a break from portraits.  

Tuesday 12 March 2019

Glasses And The Hat

It looks like I spoke a little too soon.  A regular visit to the optometrist, and a few days later … my very first prescription glasses!

At +0.75, it is very mild.  I will be using them only for reading and drawing.  I now have something to blame all my previous art failures on.  :)

I put them to the test and doing detailed work feels much more comfortable.