Thursday, 29 August 2019

Working On Toned Paper

One of the most exciting feelings one can experience is trying new art supplies, that is if you are a creative person.  I recently received my order from Jackson's and am very pleased with the results.  I needed several graphite pencils since I enjoy sketching/drawing often.  The Bruynzeel set of 12 pencils ranging from 2H to 9B come in a beautiful tin box designed in collaboration with the Dutch National Museum to inspire artists reminding them of the old Masters.  The 12 scale value allows me to work in various key schemes.  I usually sketch using 3 graphite pencils with very contrasting values, hence I also ordered the Cretacolor (an Austrian manufacturer) graphite pencils in 9B and 4B as part of my most often used values.  They are available in a full range of 20 lead degrees and can be purchased separately each which is always great.  

Like me, if you enjoy working in various mediums, finding the right mixed media surface is a bit challenging.  I often find myself eager to paint in oils but reluctant to spend too much time and effort into surface preparation such as a panel or stretched canvas... For now, Clairefontaine Naturel gummed pad is the solution for me.  It is to be used with acrylic, gouache, pastel, ink, graphite and even a light wash of watercolour.  I of course went ahead and painted in oils. I tried to use thin but dry paint.  I really like the beautiful natural tan colour.  Starting in midtone, one can push the values in both directions (working lighter and darker)!  Overall it is a great surface for sketches and small studies.  No more excuses to postpone painting in oils!  :)

Below are some of my recent work based on vintage photographs and art.

I hope you are enjoying your summer as much as I am.