Friday 13 November 2015

Learning by Imitation

Learning art by copying other artists' work is a common discipline.  Particularly if you are a beginner, studying the work of great artists whose work you admire, will allow you to be better informed, thus creating fascinating work of your own. Just as a musician is inspired by the great composers, or an author is well read, a visual artist should be exposed to great examples also.  However, creativity will come to fruition, only if we apply what we learn to our own work.

From time to time, I will share with you some of my studies inspired by the work of other artists.

Continuing with the theme of studying trees, here are two watercolor paintings (from left), that I practiced, inspired by William Henry James Boot, an English artist born in the mid 1800s.

This experience allowed me to construct a painting using a different color palette than my own.  It made me think about why I was drawn to it in the first place!

Let me know about your experience of learning from other artists.

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